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Bottleneck elongation & fascia rolls according to Liebscher & Bracht (in german)

Bottleneck elongation & fascia rolls according to Liebscher & Bracht (in german)

Bottleneck elongation & fascia rolls according to Liebscher & Bracht

Solve muscular-fascial dysplasia

Together in a group, we work more deeply in the specific areas and you learn how to carry out bottleneck stretches correctly and support their tension-reducing effect in order to combat frequently occurring pain.

  • with Nadja Gertsch, each on four Saturdays from 9 – 10.30 a.m.
  • 27th October Back area (general back pain, lumbago, heartburn)
  • 2nd November Head area (headache, neck tension, teeth grinding)
  • 3rd November Area shoulder / arm (shoulder arm pain, tennis elbow, snap finger)
  • 10th November Pelvis / legs area (hip arthrosis, pelvic obliquity, heel spur)
    in the Selfness Center at the Eiger Selfness Hotel
    Participation CHF 30 per course unit, registration 24 hours in advance by calling 033 854 31 49
    or register at selfness@eiger-grindelwald.ch 

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