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The Now and You (in german)

The Now and You (in german)

Being consciously in the “here and now” and creating the conditions for empathetic cooperation.

Who hasn’t experienced this: time and again my thoughts wander, concentration is lost and mistakes creep in. At the same time, I don’t even notice how my environment is doing and thus miss important moods and changes. All in all – a total loss for me, my employer and my colleagues. But what can get me out of my presence and can empathy really be learned?

Module 2 of the Selfness Starter sheds light on the topics of presence and empathy and uses group work, interactions and role-playing to show ways in which I can experience my existence in the here and now more consciously. Mindful and conscious awareness of my thoughts and state of mind are the prerequisite for “grounding” myself in the moment. Only in this way can I get involved and make contact with the “you”. Because compassion with myself and others is important, but compassion does not help anyone!

  • Speaker: Birgit Fritz-Egger, certified Selfness Coach
  • Duration: 1 day 9 am – 5 pm
  • Costs: CHF 600 (incl. meals)
  • Registration: required, limited number of participants