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The Now and You (in german)

The Now and You (in german)

Consciously being in the “here and now” and creating the conditions for empathic interaction.

Who hasn’t experienced this: my mind keeps wandering, I’m in autopilot mode and my concentration is gone. Mistakes creep in and at the same time I no longer notice how those around me are doing and miss important moods and changes as a result. How can I get back into the moment? And how can I become more mindful of myself and therefore more empathetic?

Module 2 of Emotional Competencies highlights the topics of presence and empathy and uses group work, interactions and role-playing games to demonstrate ways in which I can experience my existence more consciously in the here and now. Mindful and conscious awareness of my thoughts and state of mind are the prerequisite for “grounding” myself in the moment. This is the only way I can get involved and make contact with the ‘you’. After all, compassion for myself and others is important, but compassion doesn’t help anyone!

Learning objectives:


  • know the basics of “mindfulness and presence” and know which factors take you out of your presence in everyday life and lead to a loss of concentration
    practise techniques and methods to bring yourself back into the moment and to calm down
  • gain initial insights into the topic of empathy and learn how to recognize empathy and how to distinguish compassion from pity
  • know and understand the methods of expressing empathy through communication
  • reflect on your own resources and learn to consciously “draw on” them
  • become more aware of the concepts of presence and empathy and experience and reflect on yourself and your environment in everyday situations


  • Speaker: Birgit Fritz-Egger, certified selfness coach
  • Registration: up to one month before the event at hrm@eiger-grindelwald.ch
  • Venue: Hotel Sunstar, Grindelwald
  • Participation costs: CHF 450 per person
  • for further information please click here
  • for further information on the workshops in 2025, please click here

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