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Wine & Dine with Domaines Rouvinez

Wine & Dine with Domaines Rouvinez

Pioneers when it comes to winemaking and ecology!
As trailblazer in the terms of ecology, the family Rouvinez won the “Family Business Award 2014”, an award for sustainable and value-based entrepreneurship. The family Rouvinez took over the pioneer role in creating great Assemblage wines. The “Tourmentin” which was launched in 1985 for the first time, was a revolutionised the Valais wine industry.
Enjoy our Wine & Dine with an exquisite 4-course menu and enjoy the selected wines from family Rouvinez, chosen and presented by Mr Tierry Biaggi (Rouvinez) and Ed de Wagenaar (Münsterkellerei).

Participation fee CHF 95 per person (4-course menu with 4 different wines)
Registration until 9th September by phone +41 33 854 31 31 or by mail restaurant@eiger-grindelwald.ch

Online tickets

We offer you 20% reduction on your room reservation – please mention “Wine & Dine” when booking.

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