
Soul Massages

Enter. Work through. Let go.

Soul Massages

Enter. Work through. Let go.

Soul massages

Partial body 30 minutes CHF 70 | *Full body 60 minutes CHF 125 | *Full body Deluxe 90 minutes CHF 175

As individual as you are! Our Soul treatment focuses on you and your personal needs and is individually tailored to you. Depending on your emotional and physical state, various types of treatment are available and are exclusively tailored to you. Together with the therapist, you define with which attention which body zone is to be treated. Whether relaxation or revitalisation, pain relief or «letting yourself go»: you decide what is important for you.

Tension in the head, shoulder and neck area is released, pain is alleviated. Your whole body experiences incomparable regeneration and fresh vitalisation.

Look forward to a unique, soothing experience with head and body in harmony. This is our and your «Soul» treatment.

*with footbath and hot stones

PS: Massages during pregnancy are only possible from the 13th week.