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Duo Sonnenklar live at the street party

Duo Sonnenklar live at the street party

Duo Sonnenklar: Elmar and Gery inspire us with charm and energy!!
These two experienced music all-rounder are more than ever a hot tip for great entertainment. Folkloric hits of the century, great oldies and concise show highlights are presented during their evening program. Each song is a thought through masterpiece with professional entertainment, full of nice brass arrangements  – sometimes loud, sometimes romantic.
With classic evergreens in happysound, wunderful hit songs and real good vibe songs, these two multi instrumentalists show their versatility. The two nice nature-boys are down to earth and have humour and are also ready to play new party hits as well as songs which might be considered “against the flow”. Maybe thats’ why the duo have such success during their european tour with a perfect dance- atmosphere and show program. Music that makes you happyl.

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