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Summit meeting with Roger Schäli – moved to spring 2021

Summit meeting with Roger Schäli – moved to spring 2021

Passion Eiger

Nobody knows the Eiger north face better than him. Roger Schäli has climbed the “wall of walls” 55 times on 22 different routes so far. These include first ascents as well as first free ascents or first repetitions of legendary lines. Roger presents “Passion Eiger”, his first book – a unique combination of personal experience, historical report and mountaineering portraits. Exciting like a thriller, informative like a reference book!

  • Thursday, November 19th 2020 / 7 pm at the Selfness Center in the Eiger Selfness Hotel
  • Fee for expenses CHF 20 per person incl. aperitif
  • registration until November 16th at selfness@eiger-grindelwald.ch or by phone 033 854 31 49

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