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Detox Day

Detox Day

Saturday, 14th April 2018

Discover new things with curiosity and courage!

  • Detox Day with Denise Y. Keller (Federal Diploma NHP FR Homeopathy / SHP) and Marianne Balmer
  • 9.30 am Yoga with Marianne Balmer
  • 10.30 am lecture with Denise Y. Keller “Detoxification from a naturopathic point of view”
  • 2 pm spring meditation
  • Haki stretch & relax or detox treatment
  • sauna admission and natural salt peeling, healthy snacks
  • Participation fee CHF 165 per peson
  • Registration until 8th April 2018 under selfness@eiger-grindelwald.ch or per phone +41 33 854 31 49