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Healthy intestinal flora (in german)

Healthy intestinal flora (in german)

Healthy intestinal flora
Creeping inflammation
Omega 6/3 fatty acids

Lecture with Jasmin Quinten

  • Many diseases are caused by chronic inflammation (allergies, inflammation, arthrosis, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, skin diseases, sleep disorders, etc.).
  • Chronic inflammation damages and destroys tissue and accelerates ageing.
  • How can I avoid a pro-inflammatory diet and lifestyle and optimally support my health?
  • How do I manage to have a healthy intestinal flora and a balanced ratio of omega 6 and 3 fatty acids of 3:1?

Jasmin Quinten is an alternative practitioner who will show you valuable connections between illness and health. It is really up to us how young, happy, fit and vital we look and feel.

You can find more information in this PDF – please click here (in german)

Registration under margot.teysseire@bluewin.ch or by phone 079 628 92 83 / www.yogaart.ch

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